Vibrations and the Truth About Human Nature (article)

by | Apr 25, 2024

I would like to offer a simplistic explanation of my understanding of the universe and our place in it, in other words, our true human nature. I hear people often make comments about human nature and they are usually referring to the more unpleasant behaviours that we are capable of whilst ignoring the greater qualities that we regularly demonstrate. There is much to take in but I want to explain it in a way that I believe everyone can access, even if they have very little in-depth scientific knowledge. I hope that what I describe resonates with individuals so that they can verify it at a personal level.

The universe is all about vibrations! From the time of the Big Bang, atoms, that have been scattered randomly throughout the expanding universe, have been vibrating their way through space and time seeking out their natural connections. The design of each atom and its frequency of vibration means that, when it comes into contact with an atom with whose design and vibration it naturally fits, it forms a bond, and a new combined vibration emerges. This new bond now vibrates its way through the universe until it comes into contact with another entity that it naturally fits with and again, another new bond is created.

The universe is operating through a subconscious awareness, where these vibrations are like feelings, in that each entity subconsciously ‘knows’ when to form a bond because it feels right. It feels right because it’s in the natural design. For example, we know that 2 hydrogen atoms fit naturally with 1 oxygen atom to form a water molecule. They are naturally designed to form this strong bond. So, from the Big Bang, it was inevitable that, as the various atoms vibrated their way through space and time, they would eventually come into contact with other atoms with whom they are designed to form a bond.

Life on Earth began as single cells. Plants and animals are multi-cellular. So atoms are designed to form bonds with certain other atoms to form molecules. Molecules are naturally designed to form bonds with other molecules. For life to have begun, extremely complex chains of molecules were required to create the structure within cells. When the conditions are right, entities are able to find other entities with which to form natural connections because the vibration of each one fits together.

At some point, single cells stopped competing and started cooperating. They stopped existing as individuals and started working together as cooperatives. This must have been dictated by the conditions at the time which signalled a new environmental vibration which altered the consciousness of cells and acted as an instruction to change. Cells then began to vibrate with a frequency that signalled a feeling of peace, friendship, safety, trust to other single cells and multi-cellular organisms started to form.

But how did individual cells know what specialist role to perform in these new organisations. With no leader or director, multi-cellular organisms have developed in enormous variety and complexity, seemingly without any internal competition between cells for which job they want to do. There has clearly been a natural acceptance of each cell’s role within the organisation without dispute or a feeling that certain roles are more significant than others. Cells have not selfishly competed for their own sense of status. This acceptance of each entity’s place in the world is seen in nature. There is a complete web of co-dependency throughout the natural world where each entity is of equal value to the whole system.

As these ever increasingly complex bonds have formed over time, greater and greater order has emerged. From complete chaos at the Big Bang to ever more order. And all this has formed inevitably because it was in the original design. So therefore, there are still more complex bonds waiting to form, when the conditions are right, when there is a subconscious universal signal that instructs entities to create greater cooperation and form the new bonds that are in the natural design.

The universe is like a jigsaw that is putting itself back together and each piece knows when it is making its natural connections because it feels right. As human beings, we are the most advanced form of life (that we are aware of). We too are part of the jigsaw. As individuals, we know when something feels right for us. We know we have natural strengths and weaknesses. There are things which feel naturally interesting to us and other things which don’t. There are people we feel a natural instinctive connection to and others, no matter how nice they seem or how good a relationship looks on paper, the feeling just isn’t naturally there.

With our conscious brain, with which we have been endowed by Nature, we have the ability to feel a far greater range of feelings than other animals. We feel our lives are meaningful and purposeful when we are making those connections, forming those relationships, doing those activities, developing certain new understandings that feel right to us. So, we too clearly have a natural design. We too, have our own frequency, our own natural vibration. And when we come into contact with another entity – be that a person, an activity, a piece of knowledge – that is vibrating at a frequency that, in its own design, matches ours, we know it.

In that moment, we no longer question life’s purpose. We love our lives. When it feels right, in that moment, our lives have all the meaning and purpose they need. Therefore, our purpose in life is to seek out what feels right to us, what makes us feel good, what we love. When we feel love, in that moment we are feeling engaged and connected, we do not need to question life’s purpose. Our true purpose in life therefore, is to seek out and find love. To love who we are, to love our lives, to love what we do, to love each other. And when we are struggling in life, when we are suffering in some way, our mission is to remember love and find a way back.

There are times in life when this feels almost impossible. There are times when it is so hard to remember what love feels like. Throughout our lives, the chances are that we have been surrounded by ‘noise’ which bears no resemblance to love. We have learnt that is normal, good and essential to be filled with fear, annoyance, frustration, dissatisfaction, discontentment. We have probably learnt that we should have firm opinions on everything which is not right and that it is healthy to be focussing on what is wrong with the world and voicing our opinions. In other words, we should be keeping ourselves stressed and unhappy. We should be focussed on criticising what is wrong, probably in a misguided notion that that is how things will be put right. But these notions are really just elevating the baseline stress levels of society and creating noise which blocks our individual, and therefore collective, ability to tune in to our true vibrations.

To tune in to ourselves, and then become more harmonised collectively, we need calm. We need a sense of peace first. I am not saying we should not pay attention to what is wrong in the world. We should be informed and educated but at the same time, we should not be wasting our lives on stress. We need to be aware that our individual impact on this planet, with this brain and body, is microscopic. We need to be able to tune in to ourselves so we can find what we feel designed for and follow that path. Whatever we feel a love for, whether it is politics, education, sport, music, business, media, art, science, etc etc, that is the area on which we should focus our abilities. And in that area, we should try to do what is right, live with integrity, and where possible, improve what we can. We should do our best to add what little we can to the collective consciousness of humanity.

But, like I said, we need to remember that our individual contribution is microscopic in the grand scheme of things, never mind how famous or influential one may think they are, our individual contribution will be really quite negligible in the passage of time. We will contribute something far more valuable to society and to humanity if we aim to stay focused on love, peace, harmony and unity, both within ourselves and with each other, than if we go around staying reminded and reminding others of everything that is wrong with the world. So, being informed does not mean we, as individuals have a specific role to play with any particular problem we witness. The problems and suffering in the world are not all ours, as individuals to fix. So being aware of the huge amount of unfairness, injustice and suffering in the world is something we need to make peace with, something we need to accept first of all. Then, through us being at peace, we can be more effective, we will have more energy and intelligence to be able to help improve what we can, in a way that feels right to us.

We all have the noise of our culture, our country, our religion (or lack of), our region, our family, our friends, our upbringing, our experiences, etc which all form the wall of our belief system. All this noise can interfere with the natural frequencies which are designed to resonate with us and with which we are designed to bond. Connection is love, trust, peace, harmony, acceptance. So much of our belief systems prevent these feelings from emerging. So there is much for us to learn if we truly want to live a life that is meaningful and purposeful – and we all do, because it is in our design, it feels right when we are making those natural connections. Unfortunately, most of us pay more attention to the noise than to our true inner selves and then make connections that are not in our natural design.

So if we are able to get more in touch with our true inner selves through calmness, through peace, through seeking out a simple harmonious life, we will be doing more to fulfil our natural destiny than if we are pursuing what the Noise of our instilled beliefs might be having us try to achieve. If the universe is a jigsaw that is putting itself back together then it must have begun from a completed picture. A jigsaw cannot be started unless it has been made first. So if there is a subconscious understanding running through every atom in the universe of what its natural connections are, there is therefore a final realisation where all natural connections have been made. So therefore, our purpose in this lifetime, with the mind and body we have been given, is to seek out our own truthful, loving connections.

When all truthful connections have been made, when all order has been achieved, when vibrations are in harmony, then everything is connected, the jigsaw is complete. And if everything is connected, then there is no longer any separation between entities, therefore, space is no longer needed and everything can collapse to the singularity. And when everything has collapsed to the singularity, then life can begin, the jigsaw can be started, we are ready for the Big Bang. So I put forward the idea that, the fact that we exist now, in some random section of time between the Big Bang and the final unity of everything, that there is nothing to worry about because the universe could not have started in the first place with it being fully realised. In other words, we couldn’t be here now, if the end doesn’t happen, because the end is what is needed to be able to start.

To the subconscious, time is irrelevant. So to the subconscious spirit that runs through every atom in the universe, seeking out its natural connections, the beginning, the end and everything in between are irrelevant. The subconscious has a memory of the final picture where there is only love, connection, harmony, peace, understanding and so our own subconscious, our own inner true self, our soul knows the way to go. It is for this reason, we must learn to quieten our own noise, so we can tune in to our selves. This is the only way we can make the most of this time we have we this brain and this body in this microscopic fraction of time we have been given. I believe our true inner selves is an energy that does not die when our bodies do and that, if there are true connections we are supposed to make, for the final picture to be realised, then whatever connections we have not made in this lifetime will be made in another. I do not believe there is anything to fear in death.

I’m sure there is much that be interpreted in what I am saying in a way that I do not intend. I am not suggesting we just sit back, and trust the universe to put our connections in our path. I believe there is much work for us to do and the more we stay in tune, stay in a mindset of peace, love, understanding, acceptance, trust and harmony, the more we will feel, the more sensitive we can become, to our own true loving, natural connections when they are there. The more we will be aware of what to seek out and when to seek it. The more we will be able to feel when we are being led by the frequency of the Noise rather than our own true frequency.

This is no easy task. Animals instinctively know what feels right because Nature operates through a subconscious understanding. All of nature knows how to do what it is designed to do perfectly. But we have been separated, temporarily, from Nature when it endowed us with a conscious brain. This gave us autonomy and choice over our thoughts, feelings and actions. We are still very much in the early days of learning how to manage consciousness, how to use this conscious brain to full effect. How to create lives that are rich in good feelings and connections. We are no longer part of the subconscious of the universe, we have been given free agency to seek out our own connections. Like a parent that raises a child to be independent and self-sufficient, we are the young adult that has just left home but is struggling to manage a successful adult life.

The conscious brain is the only development that Nature has ever bestowed on a creature where the full understanding of its purpose and its use, was not immediately apparent. Every other evolutionary adaptation has been in line with the environment at the time. Human beings have had a conscious brain for a long time and we have gradually created a world with greater comfort and security because of it. We learned to control fire for warmth and security and to cook food to extract greater amounts of nutrients. We clothed ourselves for warmth and comfort. We developed tools and agriculture which allowed more of us to come together and live in greater numbers. We developed rules and laws to provide greater security, fairness and equality. There is much we have achieved and much still to do if we are to create a world where all can live sustainably.

If the final picture is where all is one, everything is connected, all is in harmony, where peace and love unites all and all truths have been found and are understood, then it is clear that human beings are all one tribe. That to see ourselves as separate because of culture, religion, nationality, sex, age, wealth, fame, etc. is just an effect of us listening to the Noise instead of our own true subconscious selves. Our own task in this life is to take responsibility for our own connections. It is not our job to tell others where they are going wrong. It is a difficult enough task to navigate our way through our life making the connections we can without wasting energy on trying to do it for others, that’s their job. It is often too easy and tempting for us to trespass into others’ territory and find fault with the path they are on. The moment we do that, we are listening to the Noise, we are worrying, stressing, we are moving away from peace, love, harmony, understanding and acceptance and so we are moving away from our own true natural path.

To fulfil our destiny in this lifetime, we simply need to devote ourselves to our task. We need to devote ourselves to finding, creating and cultivating peace, love, harmony, understanding, connection, acceptance, trust, unity, equality, happiness, contentment, joy, learning, humility, calmness, truth, appreciation, gratitude and optimism. These feelings are easy to have when life is easy and going well. The challenge really comes when life is difficult, when there are obstacles in our path, when we have problems, when there is hatred, anger, fear, selfishness, disharmony, inequality, repression, misery, suffering in our lives or around us. If we can remain a beacon of peace, love, calm and understanding, then in a microscopic way, we are contributing to humanity’s march, humanity’s evolution towards complete unity.

When all is united, everyone gains. Like the single cells that joined forces and ‘chose’ to cooperate, everything benefited. Greater development, greater natural science, greater complexity became possible. Ultimately, with human being beings and their conscious brain, greater feelings became possible. And that possibility existed from the very beginning. So the greater possibility of total unity and complete harmony exists as a possibility now. Our job is to put ourselves on the side of progress towards that goal. We will not see complete harmony in our lifetime, that is not the aim. Our reach and influence is microscopic so we don’t need to fret about the huge significance of our role in the task, we just need to aim to do our bit. And the bit we do, the progress we help bring about, in a minute section of time and space in the universe belongs to humanity.

Ultimately, all achievements made by individuals belong to humanity. So if we can get in tune with our true inner selves, if we can vibrate our way through our lives finding our true natural connections, and if we can do this for the greater good of the evolution of humanity, we are doing our bit. Let us not get distracted by our own egos, that is just part of the Noise. Worrying about how we are being seen by others is a noise that blocks connection to ourselves. Let us accept that our achievements do not belong to us as individuals, they belong to the cooperative collective consciousness of humanity. Just as we have benefited from the developments of others before us, let us put our peace and love into the world from which others can benefit.

The final picture of total unity is a long way off and there is much to learn for humanity to get there. Let us devote ourselves to our personal task of tuning in to ourselves and aiming for a life devoted to peace, love, harmony and understanding. Our true nature, our subconscious, is always seeking peace and happiness. All human undesirable behaviour arises because, in our attempt to achieve peace and happiness, we are more tuned in to the noise of our built-up beliefs and our ego than our true inner selves. This brings out the worst in our behaviour – selfishness, greed, egotism, conflict. We are reacting through fear rather than connecting to love. We are focused on survival rather than life. Let us all try to quieten our own noise so the peace we seek is in line with our true nature. After all, we wouldn’t be here now if hadn’t already achieved it in the future because life could not have begun.